Posts tagged Featured
3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Investing in Your Business

As the old adage goes, “you need to spend money to make money.” But how do you know if you’re making the right decisions with your business spending?

Understanding expenses vs. investments is key. It’s important to be intentional about your business to keep your expenses from spinning out of control, but it’s also necessary to know when your business needs an infusion of capital to make meaningful strides forward. Keep reading to learn the 3 questions you should ask before every investment.

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How to Help Your Child Pay for College (Without the Debt!)

Planning for college costs in advance can reap tremendous benefits for your child. Instead of having an average of $28,950 in student loans to tackle when they graduate, they can put their money to work for their futures. Without college debt they can use the money they earn to start investing in their retirements, continued education, or even begin saving for a home.

If you’re interested in how to avoid college debt and want to make sure your child isn’t one of the 43 million Americans with student loan debt, read on to find out what you can do to help!

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5 Common Money Mistakes Small Business Owners Make (And How to Fix Them!)

When you first set out as an entrepreneur, being your company’s chief financial officer (CFO) may not have been top of mind. But even if you’re not a numbers person, have no fear!

We’re here to help you avoid common small business money mistakes — and figure out what to do if you’ve already made them.

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4 Ways to Prevent Loss Aversion From Affecting Your Bottom Line

As a small business owner, you know the pressure to succeed can be… heavy. And because no one else can take responsibility for your business, that burden can feel both overwhelming and isolating — especially when you depend on your business to support your family and your livelihood.

I get it! With so much on the line, it can be easy to let fear take over when it comes time to make important business decisions. But ironically, this fear can actually prevent you from reaching the success you so desire.

As it turns out, there’s a name for this sense of fear in the world of business and finance: loss aversion. Keep reading to learn 4 ways to prevent it.

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Financial Literacy Month 2022: How to Save for Big Purchases in your Business

Maybe you’ve gotten the hang of planning for your monthly business expenses. Your internet bill, monthly subscriptions, and software all have a place in your budget. And each month, you pay the bills on time. You’re feeling good! You’re a business owner, and you’re taking care of business.

But then, all of a sudden, another expense shows up. The yearly fee for your website. The cost to renew your LLC. After years of reliable companionship, your computer finally breaks down.

Unlike your fixed monthly costs, these expenses don’t have a spot in your budget. They don’t have a pile of money with their name on it, waiting to be spent. So how do you efficiently plan for them?

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How to Teach Kids About Money - 5 Easy Steps To Give Your Kids Good Money Habits

Kids are notorious for misunderstanding money. To them money is always available and everything they see around them is fair game for mommy to buy! There is a good reason for this.

The mind of a child in the earliest years is primarily formed through the process of observation. Everything they see and hear helps them to form their understanding of the world. Take a second to think about what this means to most children…

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6 Ways the Rich Think Differently About Money and Life

When you think about rich people, ultra-wealthy business tycoons like Bezos, Musk, and Buffet probably come to mind. But you don’t have to be a multi-billionaire or even a multi-millionaire to be wealthy. “Average” people all around us are wealthy—you may just not realize it because they don’t live flashy lifestyles.

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5 Reasons Your Budget Isn’t Working and How to Get Back on Track

Think of all the words you’ve used to describe your budget. If the terms “complicated,” “confusing,” “time-consuming,” or “outdated” come to mind, that’s okay! You certainly aren’t alone. The truth is, budgets are hard. Not only do you have to set up all of your accounts and categorize your expenses, but you also have to monitor, analyze, and adjust your budget regularly to reflect your true spending needs and habits.

If you routinely fear that you’re running out of money or that you don’t have enough to bankroll your biggest priorities, then keep reading. While you might be struggling with budget problems right now, after reading this article you’ll be able to diagnose and amend your budget so you know where incoming money is going before it even arrives.

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6 Ways to Give Thanks With Extra Money in Your Budget This Year

If you’re one of the lucky ones who continued to grow throughout the pandemic, you may find that your business has extra money in the budget as you’re doing your year-end financial reckoning. This can be a good opportunity to pay yourself more, increase the stability of the business, or invest back into the business.

It can also be a great opportunity to give back to your community and say thanks. If you’re feeling so inclined, here are six ideas for how to give thanks with extra money in your budget this year.

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How to Create a Simple Business Budget That Doesn’t Break Your Brain

Well-done budgets can be so freeing. They can ultimately take a lot of the fear out of our finances.

Luckily, creating a budget for your business doesn’t have to be difficult or daunting. I’ve developed a simple five-step guide you can follow to create your own business budget right now and get more clarity on your business finances. Let’s get started.

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11 Ways To Hack Your Grocery Budget

The average American family of 4 spends anywhere between $580 and $1300 on their food budget every month. And if you’re like most families, you spend that and then another $300-$500 eating out. This can often cause waste in the household groceries from the intentions to the actions.

Food is a common place we get caught up in spending….most people are either eating, wearing or driving their retirement, and in this case, I want to talk about when we’re eating it.

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Why Profit First Works In My Business And Will Work In Yours Too

Profit First is a life changing system for any business owner. Not just some, not just new businesses or small businesses or service based businesses or owners who don’t handle money well. Profit First is literally life changing for anyone who fully implements it in their business! Why? I want to dig into that below.

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25 Side Hustles You Can Start Today To Make $1000 A Month

We’re all given the same 24 hours in a day, it’s what we do with it that differentiates us. Technology has made so much possible for us, I want you to take advantage of all the opportunities that are out there if you’re looking to kick debt in the face.  Listed below are 25 side hustles you can start today, and make up to $1000/month! 

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