4 Surprising Ways a Spending Plan Can Create Fun and Feel Freeing

Most people don’t love the dreaded “B” word. The term budget can conjure feelings of restriction and thoughts of cash envelopes and eating ramen and beans. 

Others may think it’s completely unnecessary because they make decent money and don’t struggle with debt. Or maybe others have been previously shamed for being unable to stick to a budget. 

The truth is, everyone can benefit from a budget because it’s really just a plan for how you’re going to spend your money. You most likely have career plans, dinner plans, and vacation plans. Why not a plan for how you spend one of your most valuable resources? 

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7 Hidden Costs of Running a Business You Might Not Be Thinking About

Anyone who runs their own business knows how thrilling and empowering it can be. Selling a product or service, working when and where you want, and having unlimited earning potential are just a few of the perks. But with all of this freedom comes a good deal of responsibility. 

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Money and Parenting: 5 Reasons Why Saying “No” Now Can Allow You to Say “Yes” Later

As parents, we want to provide the absolute best for our children. We want to give them every opportunity to learn, grow and thrive, especially when living under our roofs. 

We want to give them a curated, challenging education, a joyful childhood, encouraging friendships, engaging experiences, and a solid financial foundation for their future. 

However, as much as we want to give them the world, we also need to be responsible for our own financial goals and futures that can be a delicate balancing act. How do we help them understand that our “no” today is allowing us to say “yes” to bigger, more meaningful things in the future?

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How to Become a Master of Cash Flow Management (And Why You Want to Be)

Do you ever wonder why some businesses stay afloat in tough times, and other businesses fold even when things seem to be going well? A company could be revolutionary, have raving fans, and appear to be making a profit….and still not stay in business! 

Usually, it’s not because a business is better, more popular, or successful on the surface. More likely, it comes down to effective cash flow management. According to research, 38% of startups fail because they run out of money.

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8 Ways to Use Your Tax Refund Wisely

When you receive a refund, it can be tempting to blow that money on anything that strikes your fancy. But what if you were able to use that refund to further your financial goals? In that case, you may want to think about the best ways to use your refund wisely, for your personal goals.

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How to Choose a Small Business Structure That Sets You Up for Success

You’ve nailed your business plan and you’re ready to launch your own business. Woohoo! Go you! Or maybe you’re a freelancer and you're beginning to realize you need to get a bit more organized to manage expenses and taxes.

Whatever your path of small business growth, choosing the right legal structure from the start will make it easier for your business to grow and change over time. It will help you to streamline your finances and your taxes, and provide you with a blueprint for handling the changes your business will experience as it expands.

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3 Ways Women Approach Money Differently and 3 Financial Obstacles They Face

There are many differences between men and women, particularly when it comes to physical, behavioral, and emotional characteristics. 

Men are typically taller, stronger, and have more muscle mass than women, while women are typically more nurturing and empathetic. Men tend to categorize the world by tasks and keep their emotions under wrap, while women tend to categorize life by relationships and openly share their feelings. 

Each gender has its own strengths and weaknesses. It’s important to understand how these differences can lead men and women to approach certain topics, like personal finance, in unique ways. As women, this allows us to capitalize on our strengths and natural skills.

Personal finance for women is one of our favorite topics to talk about, so let’s dive into some areas where women approach money differently and three financial obstacles they must overcome!

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Many High-Earners Are Living Paycheck to Paycheck - How to Break the Cycle

A common misconception is that if only we earned more money, we would have a comfortable lifestyle, financial security, and the ability to afford all the luxuries we could possibly imagine. We would be happy and healthy and certainly not be living paycheck to paycheck. 

According to the paycheck-to-paycheck report from September 2022, approximately 45% of Americans earning over $100,000 say they live paycheck to paycheck. While approximately 47% of those making between $150,000 and $200,000 and 28% of those earning over $200,000 also report living paycheck to paycheck. 

It would seem that getting ahead financially is not simply a numbers game…. “earn more money and everything will be okay.”

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Another Finance Fight? Why It’s Important to Talk About Finances With Your Partner

When it comes to intimate relationships, money is often considered a topic to be avoided at all costs. We always think we should stay away from the subject for fear that it might put others off. Why bring up something that could make someone uncomfortable? Why bring up something so serious?

One of the top-cited reasons for divorce and breakups is financial differences or arguments about money.

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Top 5 Financial Mistakes That Will Prevent You From Building Personal Wealth

The first step in building personal wealth is to understand our beliefs and values surrounding money. We can know all the best tips and tricks to implement, but if we don’t first believe we can build wealth, we won’t succeed. This positive mindset allows us to take on the challenge of wealth-building and surpass our wildest financial dreams. 

We also need to understand that money is a tool. Money should never be a goal in and of itself, but rather a means to accomplish our ultimate dreams. 

With all this being said, you’ll want to look out for these common stumbling blocks that can get in the way of personal wealth building. We want to dive into five financial mistakes that we often see so you can be on your way to building the life you always dreamed.

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Tired of New Year’s Resolutions That Always Fail? Make Habits that Last!

What do you want to be different in the new year? Or, as it should be asked, “What habits do you want to change?”

Do you see what I did there? I think without me even explaining the reason I altered the question, your intuition probably knows why. 

Approximately 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail… by February!

Do you ever wonder why New Year’s resolutions fail? Why is it so hard to make a change you know is good? Part of understanding why resolutions fail is learning a little bit about habits. 

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14 Home Office Deductions For The Small Business Owner To Consider

Owning a small business is exciting, fulfilling, and quite a wild adventure. From deciding how you structure your business to how you handle employee onboarding, there’s a lot to consider. One of those considerations: taxes. Filing your taxes may not be a business task you particularly enjoy, but it’s important nonetheless. 

Of course, it’s critical to file your taxes correctly so you remain in the good graces of the IRS. But perhaps more appealingly, filing your taxes can even help you maximize your profits. 

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The Ultimate Guide for Creating and Accomplishing Your 2023 Money Goals

It’s been a tough couple of years. Maybe you’re still facing long-term financial consequences from the pandemic. Maybe you relocated and are still figuring out your new city. Maybe your finances have you up at night because your investment portfolio is looking scarce these days.

Whatever you experienced this year or are currently facing, I hope you’re able to spend some time this season reflecting on the good. It can be hard to find the good - both personally and on a national level. But I promise you - there’s still some good out there.

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Spread Some Holiday Cheer! Creative Ways To Give Back This Holiday Season

Thankfully, the holiday season - with all of its magic - provides a great opportunity to remember what matters most in life. Whether you want to show your team how much you appreciate them, make your family feel extra special, or serve your community, there are plenty of ways to creatively give back this holiday season.

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The Most Wonderful Time of Year... For Dealing with Unsolicited Financial Advice

No matter the intention, getting unwanted advice on hot financial topics can be bothersome. As a small business owner, you’ve worked hard to build and manage a business you’re proud of — and with the success you’ve seen, you must be doing something right.

But your well-meaning family can’t always help giving their two cents about what financial moves you should make — whether in your business or your personal life.

You’ve heard it before, and you may hear it again…

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Start Tax Planning Now! How To Navigate Tax Strategies And Avoid Mistakes

The actions we take today can significantly benefit our future selves, whether it’s cleaning up our diet, investing in healthy friendships, or getting our tax paperwork in order.

Come early 2023, I want you to feel prepared — and relieved — that you had the foresight and knowledge to get you and your business ready for tax season. Planning early may seem somewhat insignificant in midst of all the work you’re busy with. But in reality, taxes are a huge part of your business's overall financial health and affect a lot of high-level business decisions.

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‘Tis the Season to Start Your Holiday Budget and Savings Plan

Having a budget as we head into the festive (and expensive) holiday season will allow you to enjoy exciting activities, delicious meals, and gift-giving. You’ll also spend less time scrambling and stressing over finances when you have a spending plan in place.

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6 of The Best Financial Books of All Time

If you follow me on social media, you know that I am an avid reader. I soak up all the information I can so that I can continue to grow and understand more for myself and my clients.

I thought it would be fun to compile and share the best financial books to read, both for personal and business growth.

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When Are Small Business Taxes Due? Your Easy Guide to Tax Navigation

If you’ve ever found yourself asking questions such as “when are taxes due?” or “what should I expect to owe in taxes?” this article will help you understand everything you need to know about taxes as a small business owner.

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3 Tips to Tackle Big Expenses For Your Small Business on Labor Day 2022

With the end of summer comes lots of fun and anticipation. Back to school, football, the end of the 3rd quarter, and a time to plan how the end of the year will look for your small business. And with the state of inflation, why not take advantage of Labor Day sales 2022 to tackle some big expenses for your small business?

Today I’m discussing why Labor Day sales 2022 can be a great tool for your business. Keep reading to find out how!

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