Posts tagged New Year
Ditch the New Year's Resolutions: Set Healthy Financial Intentions Instead

Jotting down your goals and visualizing their realization is exciting, but it's merely the starting point. Genuine progress happens when we dig deeper and adopt a mindset and lifestyle that aligns with our goals. 

This is where establishing financial intentions comes into play. Our intentions propel us forward, even if we temporarily veer off course from an ambitious goal we've set.

Hiring your first employee is like adding a new character to the story of your business. You want to ensure they're a perfect fit, someone who can help you achieve your goals and take your company to the next level. So, let's jump into the exciting world of small business hiring and the employee onboarding process.

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Tired of New Year’s Resolutions That Always Fail? Make Habits that Last!

What do you want to be different in the new year? Or, as it should be asked, “What habits do you want to change?”

Do you see what I did there? I think without me even explaining the reason I altered the question, your intuition probably knows why. 

Approximately 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail… by February!

Do you ever wonder why New Year’s resolutions fail? Why is it so hard to make a change you know is good? Part of understanding why resolutions fail is learning a little bit about habits. 

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