Posts in Money
Many High-Earners Are Living Paycheck to Paycheck - How to Break the Cycle

A common misconception is that if only we earned more money, we would have a comfortable lifestyle, financial security, and the ability to afford all the luxuries we could possibly imagine. We would be happy and healthy and certainly not be living paycheck to paycheck. 

According to the paycheck-to-paycheck report from September 2022, approximately 45% of Americans earning over $100,000 say they live paycheck to paycheck. While approximately 47% of those making between $150,000 and $200,000 and 28% of those earning over $200,000 also report living paycheck to paycheck. 

It would seem that getting ahead financially is not simply a numbers game…. “earn more money and everything will be okay.”

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Another Finance Fight? Why It’s Important to Talk About Finances With Your Partner

When it comes to intimate relationships, money is often considered a topic to be avoided at all costs. We always think we should stay away from the subject for fear that it might put others off. Why bring up something that could make someone uncomfortable? Why bring up something so serious?

One of the top-cited reasons for divorce and breakups is financial differences or arguments about money.

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Top 5 Financial Mistakes That Will Prevent You From Building Personal Wealth

The first step in building personal wealth is to understand our beliefs and values surrounding money. We can know all the best tips and tricks to implement, but if we don’t first believe we can build wealth, we won’t succeed. This positive mindset allows us to take on the challenge of wealth-building and surpass our wildest financial dreams. 

We also need to understand that money is a tool. Money should never be a goal in and of itself, but rather a means to accomplish our ultimate dreams. 

With all this being said, you’ll want to look out for these common stumbling blocks that can get in the way of personal wealth building. We want to dive into five financial mistakes that we often see so you can be on your way to building the life you always dreamed.

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Tired of New Year’s Resolutions That Always Fail? Make Habits that Last!

What do you want to be different in the new year? Or, as it should be asked, “What habits do you want to change?”

Do you see what I did there? I think without me even explaining the reason I altered the question, your intuition probably knows why. 

Approximately 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail… by February!

Do you ever wonder why New Year’s resolutions fail? Why is it so hard to make a change you know is good? Part of understanding why resolutions fail is learning a little bit about habits. 

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14 Home Office Deductions For The Small Business Owner To Consider

Owning a small business is exciting, fulfilling, and quite a wild adventure. From deciding how you structure your business to how you handle employee onboarding, there’s a lot to consider. One of those considerations: taxes. Filing your taxes may not be a business task you particularly enjoy, but it’s important nonetheless. 

Of course, it’s critical to file your taxes correctly so you remain in the good graces of the IRS. But perhaps more appealingly, filing your taxes can even help you maximize your profits. 

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The Ultimate Guide for Creating and Accomplishing Your 2023 Money Goals

It’s been a tough couple of years. Maybe you’re still facing long-term financial consequences from the pandemic. Maybe you relocated and are still figuring out your new city. Maybe your finances have you up at night because your investment portfolio is looking scarce these days.

Whatever you experienced this year or are currently facing, I hope you’re able to spend some time this season reflecting on the good. It can be hard to find the good - both personally and on a national level. But I promise you - there’s still some good out there.

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3 Tips to Tackle Big Expenses For Your Small Business on Labor Day 2022

With the end of summer comes lots of fun and anticipation. Back to school, football, the end of the 3rd quarter, and a time to plan how the end of the year will look for your small business. And with the state of inflation, why not take advantage of Labor Day sales 2022 to tackle some big expenses for your small business?

Today I’m discussing why Labor Day sales 2022 can be a great tool for your business. Keep reading to find out how!

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Why Employee Financial Wellness Is the Next Big Trend

How many times over the past couple of years have you heard someone mention struggling with money-related stress?

My guess is, probably too many times to count. And for every person who did mention it, there are probably several others who were too embarrassed to bring it up.

As a business owner, maybe you’ve struggled with finances over the past couple of years. The global pandemic wreaked havoc on all kinds of businesses, big and small.

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5 Easy Steps for Business Owners to Conduct A Mid-Year Financial Checkup

You probably started the year off with the best intentions for your business. As a responsible business owner, you set your goals when the new year rolled around. Maybe you wanted to hit $25k in revenue per month. Or perhaps you set your sights on expanding the services you offer.

A mid-year financial checkup is the best way to evaluate whether or not you are on target to hit your goals. And if you’re not, then it’s a good time to course correct.

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How to Start Budgeting for Christmas in July In 4 Easy Steps

The sun is shining, the pool is refreshing, and you’re (hopefully) taking time to relax and enjoy your friends and family.

It seems unnatural to be thinking about reindeer, stockings, and cold weather. However, we all know the dreaded feeling we get when we put off Christmas planning until November. If you start budgeting now, you’ll have the time to be intentional with your finances and relieve that end-of-year stress.

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3 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Investing in Your Business

As the old adage goes, “you need to spend money to make money.” But how do you know if you’re making the right decisions with your business spending?

Understanding expenses vs. investments is key. It’s important to be intentional about your business to keep your expenses from spinning out of control, but it’s also necessary to know when your business needs an infusion of capital to make meaningful strides forward. Keep reading to learn the 3 questions you should ask before every investment.

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How to Help Your Child Pay for College (Without the Debt!)

Planning for college costs in advance can reap tremendous benefits for your child. Instead of having an average of $28,950 in student loans to tackle when they graduate, they can put their money to work for their futures. Without college debt they can use the money they earn to start investing in their retirements, continued education, or even begin saving for a home.

If you’re interested in how to avoid college debt and want to make sure your child isn’t one of the 43 million Americans with student loan debt, read on to find out what you can do to help!

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5 Common Money Mistakes Small Business Owners Make (And How to Fix Them!)

When you first set out as an entrepreneur, being your company’s chief financial officer (CFO) may not have been top of mind. But even if you’re not a numbers person, have no fear!

We’re here to help you avoid common small business money mistakes — and figure out what to do if you’ve already made them.

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4 Ways to Prevent Loss Aversion From Affecting Your Bottom Line

As a small business owner, you know the pressure to succeed can be… heavy. And because no one else can take responsibility for your business, that burden can feel both overwhelming and isolating — especially when you depend on your business to support your family and your livelihood.

I get it! With so much on the line, it can be easy to let fear take over when it comes time to make important business decisions. But ironically, this fear can actually prevent you from reaching the success you so desire.

As it turns out, there’s a name for this sense of fear in the world of business and finance: loss aversion. Keep reading to learn 4 ways to prevent it.

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Financial Literacy Month 2022: How to Save for Big Purchases in your Business

Maybe you’ve gotten the hang of planning for your monthly business expenses. Your internet bill, monthly subscriptions, and software all have a place in your budget. And each month, you pay the bills on time. You’re feeling good! You’re a business owner, and you’re taking care of business.

But then, all of a sudden, another expense shows up. The yearly fee for your website. The cost to renew your LLC. After years of reliable companionship, your computer finally breaks down.

Unlike your fixed monthly costs, these expenses don’t have a spot in your budget. They don’t have a pile of money with their name on it, waiting to be spent. So how do you efficiently plan for them?

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How to Teach Kids About Money - 5 Easy Steps To Give Your Kids Good Money Habits

Kids are notorious for misunderstanding money. To them money is always available and everything they see around them is fair game for mommy to buy! There is a good reason for this.

The mind of a child in the earliest years is primarily formed through the process of observation. Everything they see and hear helps them to form their understanding of the world. Take a second to think about what this means to most children…

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How Financial Coaching Services Can Help You Skyrocket to Success

When you want to reach a specific goal in other areas of life—like running a marathon or starting a business—it’s common to consult a coach. A coach can help you take a huge goal and break it down into doable steps, all while cheering you on and celebrating your progress.

A financial coach can do the same for those financial goals you’ve been struggling with. Sometimes all it takes is getting some help to show you how successful you can be. If you’re ready to see success in your financial life, working with a financial coach might be the perfect first step.

Read on to see if a financial coach might be what you need to skyrocket your success and reach your goals sooner.

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6 Ways the Rich Think Differently About Money and Life

When you think about rich people, ultra-wealthy business tycoons like Bezos, Musk, and Buffet probably come to mind. But you don’t have to be a multi-billionaire or even a multi-millionaire to be wealthy. “Average” people all around us are wealthy—you may just not realize it because they don’t live flashy lifestyles.

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Top 10 Things to Make Sure Are on Your Financial Bucket List

Bucket lists allow us to turn our ambitions into an action plan. By writing down our wildest dreams, we take them from our imagination and lay them out in plain English. Our dreams become that much more real and, by default, that much more likely to happen. It’s easier to see the actions we need to take to achieve the goals after we’ve written them down.

But what about a financial bucket list?

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9 Questions to Help You Determine If You Have a Hobby or a Business (and why it matters)

At some point, you may feel that your hobby is becoming more like a successful side hustle—or part-time business—than something you only do to relax or exercise your creativity. It’s important to properly distinguish between a hobby and a business because the difference can significantly impact your financial future, especially when it comes to filing taxes.

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