How Financial Coaching Services Can Help You Skyrocket to Success


Do you have financial goals that never seem to come to fruition? Goals that—as time goes by—don’t seem to be getting any closer despite your efforts? 

If the answer is yes, you’re not alone. Or incapable. Few people ever receive a thorough financial education—less than 17% of us were required to take any personal finance coursework in high school. So it’s no wonder so many of us struggle to reach the financial goals we set for ourselves. Sometimes, we just don’t know how to make meaningful progress.

The good news is, help is out there.

When you want to reach a specific goal in other areas of life—like running a marathon or starting a business—it’s common to consult a coach. A coach can help you take a huge goal and break it down into doable steps, all while cheering you on and celebrating your progress. 

A financial coach can do the same for those financial goals you’ve been struggling with. Sometimes all it takes is getting some help to show you how successful you can be. If you’re ready to see success in your financial life, working with a financial coach might be the perfect first step.

Read on to see if a financial coach might be what you need to skyrocket your success and reach your goals sooner.


What Is a Financial Coach?

A financial coach helps you develop habits to better manage your money. They educate and inspire you while holding you accountable—like any good athletic, business, or life coach would do. 

A coach can help you identify the steps you need to take to reach specific goals like getting out of debt, improving your credit score, or creating a budget. But unlike a financial advisor, coaches don’t give investment advice or manage your money for you.

Financial coaches work with you around your emotional and behavioral relationship with money, including your motivations, habits, and even mindset blocks that might get in the way of financial success.

Financial Coaching Services

Just as every business is unique, every financial coach is unique in the services programs they offer. First, there are financial coaching services for different audiences, including: 

  • Individuals 

  • Couples

  • Business owners

  • Groups

Services for these different audiences might include: 

  • An ongoing program that includes building an initial plan and having regular check-ins

  • A deep-dive strategy call that ends with actionable steps for you to implement on your own

  • A course—either live or self-paced—to build a solid foundation for financial success.

The goal of all of these services is to help individuals, couples, business owners, or groups of people create a values-based, actionable plan to become confident that the financial decisions they’re making are the right decisions for their goals.

6 Ways Financial Coaching Services Can Help 

Depending on where you are in business and in life, a financial coach might be just the person you need to stop spinning your wheels and start making progress. 

 Not everyone is a good candidate for working with a financial coach—much like how not everyone’s situation requires working with a financial advisor. But if you need help getting out of debt, building a budget (and sticking to it), setting and reaching savings goals, making your business profitable, or even uncovering limiting beliefs around money, working with a financial coach might be the crucial first step in seeing real success in your finances. 

How can a financial coach help you achieve success? Again, there’s no single answer—but rather a long list:

A financial coach can offer judgment-free advice.

Many of us grew up uncomfortable talking about money—so we don’t! A financial coach is a judgment-free sounding board you can confide in. Understanding your situation and your thoughts around money is the foundation of being financially successful.

A financial coach gives you clear action steps. 

You can grab snippets of financial advice from social media posts, podcasts, books, and experts in the media. But if you don’t have a cohesive, step-by-step plan that’s formulated for your specific situation, that information may be more overwhelming than helpful. A coach can help you cut through the noise and develop a plan that’s tailored to your finances, business, and lifestyle so you know exactly what your best next steps are.

A financial coach can help you feel secure.

At the end of the day, most of us crave security. It’s a reason many of us stress over money. All we really want to know is that our needs will be taken care of. 

A financial coach can help you address this anxiety step-by-step, starting with making sure you’ve got an emergency fund. Whether for business or your personal budget, an emergency fund is a security blanket that you can rely on if and when things do happen. And with that security, you can start to focus on building wealth and success.

Working with a financial coach can give you peace of mind and confidence. 

Stressing over your financial situation isn’t productive. And the sooner you decide to get help, the sooner you can relax knowing you’re in good hands. Plus, with the habits you’ll be learning on your personal finance journey, it won’t be long before you’re feeling confident to make decisions on your own.

Working with a financial coach holds you accountable. 

You could be the most reliable person when it comes to outward responsibilities—but when it comes to your own ambitions, you tend to let yourself down. It’s hard to make serious progress without some form of accountability, and financial success is no exception. A financial coaching program can provide the accountability you need to start meeting your own goals.

A financial coach can help you figure out how to earn more.

It’s true—sometimes we need to reign in our spending to save for future goals and stick to a reasonable budget. But other times, we simply need—or want—to earn more. Most of us never learned how to ask for a raise, negotiate a salary, or even turn a hobby into a profitable side hustle. 

But earning more doesn’t need to be as difficult as we think it is. A coach can help you find ways to earn more or create new streams of income so you can make faster progress toward your financial goals. 

Jumpstart Your Success By Working With a Financial Coach

When it comes to success, we can all create it. But often, it’s faster—and more fun, to be honest—to get some help along the way. When it comes to your business or personal finances, a financial coach can accelerate your success by helping you create a rock-solid foundation. With tools, strategies, and action steps in hand, you’ll be ready to take on those bigger, life-changing goals.

At Financial Fitness Coaching, we work with both individuals and businesses to create financial success. With services ranging from monthly coaching to deep-dive strategy calls, we’ll figure out a plan that builds both your confidence and your bank account. To see how we can help you and your business, email me at or simply schedule a free 20-minute Discovery Call on my calendar.