Posts tagged gift giving
Enjoy This Holiday Season: 5 Ways to Manage Your Finances and Minimize Stress

Even with the current economy of rising prices, high inflation, and feeling like our dollar isn’t going as far as it used to, Americans are still planning to spend lavishly on holiday shopping, with figures surpassing pre-pandemic levels. And even though they may be more discerning in their gift buying with higher prices and less purchasing power, almost 40% of consumers plan on spending more than they did last year.

Whether you plan on spending as much or more than you have in previous years or stick to a tight budget, minimizing your stress and maximizing your finances can be at the top of your priority list. 

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How To Create A Budget For October That Will Jumpstart Your Financial Plan

It’s officially fall in Western Pennsylvania! The air conditioning has been off for a few weeks, pumpkin flavored everything is in full swing and the cooler temperatures are setting in. And October this year has another benefit for many Americans, a 3rd paycheck.

What most people are inclined to do is pay off large amounts of debt with that extra pay. Was that what you were thinking too?

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