Posts in Small Business
6 Ways to Give Thanks With Extra Money in Your Budget This Year

If you’re one of the lucky ones who continued to grow throughout the pandemic, you may find that your business has extra money in the budget as you’re doing your year-end financial reckoning. This can be a good opportunity to pay yourself more, increase the stability of the business, or invest back into the business.

It can also be a great opportunity to give back to your community and say thanks. If you’re feeling so inclined, here are six ideas for how to give thanks with extra money in your budget this year.

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The Ultimate Year-End Financial Checklist for Busy Small Business Owners

Remember the old adage; businesses who fail to plan, plan to fail. By completing the steps in this year-end financial checklist, you can rest easy knowing that you’re creating a plan for success. You can’t improve what you haven’t measured, and this checklist will help you measure all the right things for year-end planning and improved forecasting.

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