“I have never been so in control of my finances.”

After learning about the Profit First concept, I stumbled across Kristen’s Instagram account using related hashtag searches. I followed and her posts really began to speak to me. 

After reaching out and having my complementary one on one consultation, I knew that I wanted to work with Kristen to get my badly-neglected finances in order. It took me awhile to find the funds to participate though in hindsight, I would have done it immediately because working directly with Kristen would have allowed me to fund the 6 week bootcamp course sooner. Although I did get my feet wet with Profit First on my own prior to the start of the course, I did so knowing I wouldn’t be alone for long because in time Kristen and my classmates would be there to help me tweak, give advice, share wins and support. My experience was amazing. I only got completely into the swing of things about halfway through because of some distracting ‘life stuff’, but then I was hooked. 

Having the weekly Zoom call, getting excited about the steps and finding my own CAPS/TAPS have empowered me in my earning and my spending. I now look forward to the 10th and 25th of the month as ‘paydays Nd allocation days’, when bills get paid and earnings are deposited and doled out to my various saving accounts. I have never been so in control of my finances. I love watching my debt balances decrease and my savings balances increase. I have never had savings before; I am a natural spender and I really loved my credit cards. Thanks to these concepts, I have paid off one $6000 credit card, paid down a second halfway, begun a vault account, two emergency accounts, tackled back taxes, been able to pay myself and my partner a fair salary consistently, have a nest egg growing to cover future taxes, have started the onerous task of catching up my accounting, and the most important outcome:

I have hope and positivity around money. Before it was dread and insufficiency. This has been replaced by knowledge, and much of that is thanks to Kristen.If you’re on the fence about the cost or the time investment, you will more than likely earn back both by taking this course if you apply yourself. Do it so that you’re not in the same position (or worse) financially 6 months from now. 

— TRISHA SHANKS, Daintree Kennels